Tips To Be Active After A Dementia Diagnosis

Senior Living

Tips To Be Active After A Dementia Diagnosis

3 Feb, 2023
Senior Living

Senior Living

A dementia diagnosis does not mean that you have to stop doing everything that you enjoy. If you or your senior loved one is diagnosed with dementia, some small changes are to be made to make things easier, safer and more comfortable. Dementia care experts in our senior living facility share some tips to help you if you’re hesitant to do something or if it seems challenging. Read along to know.

One Thing At A Time

When you suffer from dementia disorders, even seemingly straightforward activities, like taking a bath, can be very complicated. Try to divide the task into smaller parts. For instance, taking a bath include:

  • Running the water
  • Ensuring that the water is at the appropriate temperature
  • Keeping a clean towel in the restroom
  • Preparing clean clothes or nightwear for changing into

Maintain Simplicity

Your routine or daily tasks will be easier to handle when you keep things simple. Sometimes, even a small adjustment can have a significant impact, such as setting up direct debits to pay your bills automatically. Technology and tools might also be able to assist you. For instance, it can be much simpler to organize your medicine if you place your tablets in boxes that are labeled with days or times Your doctor or chemist can assist with setting up this.

Minimize Distractions

If you can offer something your full attention, it might be simpler to concentrate on it and enjoy it. If it helps you focus, try to eliminate clutter and background noise (for instance, turn off the TV) or find a quieter place.

Give Yourself More Time

You will appreciate things more if you can do them when you feel well. Stop if you feel fatigued, ill, or bored. If you need to, give yourself more time; otherwise, you’ll feel rushed and you might not enjoy what you are doing.

Check Your Hearing And Eyesight

To continue performing daily chores and taking part in your favorite activities, take care of your hearing and vision. Make sure your glasses are the correct kind, that they fit properly, and that they are clean. If you wear a hearing aid, make sure your hearing aid is functioning correctly. It’s essential to have regular hearing and vision exams. These may be free for you. If you wish to learn more, talk to your healthcare provider.

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