The Importance Of Mental Health For Seniors

Senior Assisted Living Community

The Importance Of Mental Health For Seniors

3 Feb, 2022
Psychiatric Care

Psychiatric Care

Many times, the mental health of older adults is overlooked, and this can prove problematic. Many seniors deal with mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and stress, which worsen their overall quality of life. Fortunately, there are a few steps that can be taken by the family and caregivers of senior loved ones that makes certain that they are doing fine. Read along to know about the importance of psychiatric care for seniors.

Why Do Seniors Experience Mental Health Problems? 

As per the US Centers for Disease Control And Prevention, about 20% of people over the age of fifty-five experience some type of mental issue like bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, and cognitive issues. Among the different mental health issues, depression is very common among seniors and is not usually recognized. Depression can have many effects on the health of a senior person, including social and physical aspects.

The CDC also acknowledges that depression can worsen medical conditions. Depression in seniors can be caused by isolation and loneliness, the death of a loved one, retirement, etc. Regardless of the cause of a mental illness, if it is ignored, it can take away from the independence of your senior loved one. Therefore, caregivers and families of seniors need to notice the signs of mental illnesses early to prevent them from getting worse.

How To Help Your Senior Loved One? 

There are many ways to understand the early symptoms of mental issues in elderly adults and help them return to a healthy and happy life. These are explained below.


Seniors must connect with others whenever possible. Isolation and loneliness can only lead to sadness, which has adverse effects on mental health. Seniors should have the chance to interact with other people in the neighborhood or assisted living facility. If you find that your senior loved one is lonely, encourage them to pick a new hobby, sign up for a class or try some workout to improve their physical health.


Exercise plays an important role in senior care. Seniors should exercise for the mind and body, as it can be as effective as medication in alleviating some of the symptoms of depression. There are several exercises that elderly adults can try to enhance their mental health. Some of the exercises like tai chi and yoga can help relieve mental stress, which can help improve the mental health of the person. Mental exercises like games and puzzles can also help improve the psychological health of your senior loved one.

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