How To Engage Seniors With Dementia?

Assisted Living

How To Engage Seniors With Dementia?

10 Aug, 2021
Nursing Homes

Nursing Homes

If you have a senior parent suffering from dementia, know that you are not the only one. This cognitive disorder is a world health crisis and it can be very catastrophic when it hits your family members. Even though most types of dementia are progressive and presently not curable, there are medical interventions that can help to make days more present for your senior loved one suffering from dementia.

Making use of leisure activities is a successful intervention that can help maintain cognitive skills and help keep your senior loved one feel stimulated, and engaged.

Benefits Of Engagement 

Elderly adults living with dementia can face many challenges like depression, anxiety, increased risks of falls, reduced socialization due to decreased verbal skills, etc. However, some activities that are planned and executed well can result in a better quality of life for your senior loved ones.

Seniors with dementia disorders who take part in activities have more well-being response scores as per the results of dementia studies. Moreover, taking part in activities can improve self-esteem, ensure functionality and even improve the quality of life. If you are caring for a senior with dementia, the tips from the experienced staff of senior nursing homes and other health care facilities can help accommodate the changing needs of your senior loved one.

Activity Ideas 

Every individual with dementia is different, meaning that each person will react differently to activities. Therefore, you need to make use of your knowledge about the person to select activities that they can enjoy. Furthermore, you should remember that activities are not about the result, but more about the time spend with your senior loved one. Some of the activities that you can do with your senior loved are shared below.

Take A Fun Walk 

Outdoors can offer sensory stimulation to seniors and can also provide chances to exercise. You can chat with your senior loved one as you walk together to make the walk more enjoyable.

Sort Things 

Sorting can be an excellent way to improve motor skills and cognitive capabilities. It can be an easy activity when compared to walking and you can make your senior loved one sort playing cards by color or sort nut from bolts in the garage.

Read Newspaper 

You can make your senior loved read newspaper. Select an article based on the interest of your senior loved one so that the person will enjoy what they read.

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