How To Choose A Geriatrician?

Assisted Living

How To Choose A Geriatrician?

25 Oct, 2022
Assisted Living

Assisted Living

Though primary care physicians can be members of your medical care team, it can be a good idea to select a doctor who is specialized in senior care when you or your loved one is above the age of fifty years. Geriatricians are doctors who are specialized in senior care and play a vital role in ensuring healthy aging. Usually, these doctors see only aging adults and have a very good knowledge of the aging process and the health conditions that can arise due to aging.

Geriatricians will be able to recognize medication complications and will be aware of preventive care screenings for seniors. Selecting a geriatrician to help you through your golden years is a very good decision. But many people do not know how to choose the right geriatrician for their senior loved one. Experts in our assisted living facility share some important things that you need to consider while taking your decision.

Consider Your Network

The first thing to do is to check your health insurance to make sure that the geriatricians that you are looking for are covered in your network. Whether you are using Medicare or a private health insurance policy, never start looking at a geriatrician until you know that they are in your network.

Consider Transportation Services

If you do not drive or plan to stop driving, you need to find out the transportation options that you have to the doctor’s office. Find out if the office is near a train station or a public bus stop. If you are living in an assisted living or any other senior care facility, find out if the facility can arrange for transportation to the doctor’s office.

Ask Your Friends

Recommendations from friends and family can speak volumes and can you help find the healthcare professional that is the most suitable for you. Therefore, ask your friends and family for their thoughts on the healthcare professional that you are considering.

Consider The Doctor

Fix an appointment with the geriatrician that you are considering. While booking the appointment, do not forget to note that you are a new patient. While at the appointment, try to note the helpfulness and friendliness of the staff, if you are waiting for a long time after your appointment time and whether the geriatrician seems experienced.

Look At The Office Locations

Try to find out if the geriatrician that you are considering sees patients at your preferred locations or facilities. Some geriatricians also do onsite visits at assisted living facilities, senior care communities, etc.

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