Life Enrichment Tips For Elderly Adults At Risk Of Depression
10 Nov, 2022
Senior Care
Adults of any age can suffer from depression. The chances of depression can increase as adults age due to a reduction in mobility and an increase in chronic health conditions. But, do not think that depression is a normal part of aging. The CDC reports that most seniors who are depressed are not diagnosed properly. This means that many seniors are experiencing feelings of sadness, sleep problems and other effects of depression.
People caring for seniors should approach depression from different angles. Apart from prescription medications and psychotherapy, healthy socialization and life-enrichment opportunities are also vital in depression treatment. Senior care experts in our assisted living facility share some ways to offer some good moments in the life of your senior loved one via life enrichment events and activities.
Concentrate On The Physical
Our body releases endorphins when we exercise. Endorphin is the “feel-good” chemical and moving around, whether walking, jogging, stretching or lifting weights can help us feel better. Getting moving can feel very difficult for a person who is depressed. Therefore, you need to offer kind encouragement to your aging loved one.
Take A Trip
It can make anyone crazy if they feel cooped up in their assisted living apartment. Bus trips can be helpful to avoid this. Road trips, scenic tours or visits to famous places with family can also be helpful to ward off depressive feelings.
Enjoy Music
Music can be a mood changer for many people. You can talk about the music of choice of your senior loved one and use that to offer a positive atmosphere and mood. Studies show that music can be especially helpful to seniors suffering from cognitive decline. Listening to or singing familiar tunes can help get rid of depressive and stressful situations and can orient a confused senior.
Be Patient
Depression can make it very difficult for your senior loved one to do things, or even take pleasure in life. But, a caring neighbor or a staff member who insists on at least asking can help make major steps in relationship building for the person. When your senior loved one finally attends a program, it can be a huge win for all the people involved.
A multidisciplinary approach is the most effective way to treat depression in seniors. It should include medical interventions together with life enrichment opportunities and quality of life improvements. Make sure to encourage your senior loved one to take benefit of each one.
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