The Danger Of Ignoring Dementia Signs
16 Oct, 2022
Senior Living
Studies show that only forty to fifty percent of dementia cases have been diagnosed. This means that a large portion of Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia disorders are not receiving the care that they need. Many times, the signs of dementia disorders can be overlooked. The signs of dementia can be ignored by seniors and their loved ones who are not prepared to confront the reality of a terminal and life-limiting disorder.
As per senior living experts, the real danger of ignoring the warning signs of dementia can be injuries, medical complications, accidents and financial crises that can put the future stability of your loved one at risk. Our memory care experts share some of the major dangers of ignoring the signs of dementia.
Poor Management of Chronic Health Conditions
Many dementia sufferers have coexisting health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiac dysrhythmia. Oftentimes, dementia can make it difficult for the sufferers to keep up with medications that are prescribed by their healthcare provider to treat these chronic health conditions. In addition, prescription drug errors like taking too much medication, not taking enough doses of medication, and forgetting to refill prescriptions can also happen when you ignore the warning signs of dementia. Even worse, various symptoms of coexisting medical conditions like pain, metabolic disturbances and infection can worsen various dementia symptoms like agitation and confusion.
Household Accidents
Many people ignore the early signs of dementia as they do not wish to lose their freedom or change their lifestyle. Refusing to adapt to new limitations can result in your senior loved one becoming prone to accidents, which when ignored can lead to injuries to them or others. As dementia sufferers show reluctance to change their lifestyles, accidents can be very common. Therefore, you need to make the necessary changes and modifications to make your senior loved one’s home more accessible and safe. In addition, make arrangements to limit their need to drive, thereby preventing accidents that can leave your senior loved one or others injured.
If you are concerned about the mental state of your senior loved one, and think that the person is suffering from dementia, schedule a visit with a neurologist and discuss devising a dementia care plan. A dementia care plan is necessary to support a person suffering from dementia as it helps document everything that the person needs.
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